Every year we set our New Year resolutions to only end up disappointed that we didn’t fulfill them. At the end of the year, we beat ourselves up and feel we lack integrity because we did not keep our word to ourselves. Usually, it is because we mindlessly set goals without a real plan on how we can actually bring them to fruition. This year if your serious about sticking to your resolutions and reaching your goals be S.M.A.R.T about it.

Use The S.M.A.R.T. Approach: Check-in and see if the resolutions you wrote fall within the S.M.A.R.T category.

  • S- Specific: Means well define, something that is clear to everyone. Many times, we are not clear and therefore have no plan on how to achieve that specific goal.
  • M-Measurable: When you make the goals measurable it keeps you on track and you can measure your progress to make sure you’re not slacking off.
  • A-Attainable: Your goals need to push you further; make you get out of your comfort zone but at the same time make them attainable. You cannot create a goal to be a heart surgeon if you have never been to medical school. Separate reality from fantasy!
  • R-Relevant: Make sure your set goals are aligned with your core values. Why does it mean something to reach this specific goal in your life and keep to that resolution?
  • T- Time Sensitive: Act with urgency. Set a timeline/deadline and you will make reaching those goals and sticking to your resolutions a priority.

Remember the old adage “If you don’t change nothing will change” If you don’t make the proper changes on a daily basis the year will fly by and once again you will not reach the goals you set for yourself. Making subtle adjustments transform wishes and hopes into results. Happy New Year!

May the new year be the year you achieve and surpass all your dreams by being S.M.A.R.T.!


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