HalloweenAs a nutrition specialist and caring aunt, I’m always looking for healthy and fun alternatives to sugary treats during the Halloween season. As I searched around I came across four delightful Halloween books by Children’s book author Donna Davies, which is a healthier alternative to the sugary sweets and a positive way to celebrate Halloween with your children. Donna Davies dubbed “The Halloween Queen,”is an independent self-publisher from upstate, NY. She created Hudson Valley Halloween Queen https://hudsonvalleyhalloweenqueen.com and is also the creator of the on-line magazine The Hudson Valley Halloween Magazine. http://www.hudsonvalleyhalloweenmagazine.com/

These Halloween books will fright and delight your children in full-color with beautiful illustrations by Rob Peters. These books are spooky but not too spooky to scare your children and cause nightmares, they are great for this season and anytime of the year! Your little ghouls and goblins will love the fun adventures of all the adorable characters in the stories.These are great books for any child who is learning to read and the pictures and colors are a feast for their little eyes!

The first book is The Halloween Queen Who Lost Her Scream. Your little one will enjoy the adventure of the Halloween queen and her ghoulish friends as they embark on a journey to help the Halloween Queen find her scream that was stolen from her. Will they find her scream before Halloween? I won’t reveal the ending that is part of the treat of reading the story.

Her second book Sleepy Hollow and The Road You’d better Not Follow was inspired by Washington Irving’s 1820 short story, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” and her personal experiences in the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery one fall evening. The story is about a little girl who is trying to find her way home, when she unexpectedly runs into the headless horseman and the adventure begins!

Night of The Candy Creepers is another great Halloween story that is sure to be a treat for your little ones. In this story, a little boy dressed as Dracula for Halloween goes trick or treating and feels he is being followed. Could it be the candy creepers creeping around for his candy? You will love the twist at the end as the candy creepers are revealed! It’s sure to bring back childhood memories!

Bye, Bye Boogeyman is a fun tale of a little girl who turns the tables on the boogeyman. This is an excellent book for children who are afraid of the boogeyman and monsters under their bed.

All of Donna Davies books are available through Amazon, Kindle, Nook.  You can also get the animated version of her books on iTunes.

This Halloween create a new healthy Halloween tradition by giving your little werewolf or witch one of these frightfully fun Halloween books. It may not be candy, but these Halloween books are certainly a treat!